How to Sell Your Songs and Lyrics

Getting your songs to recording artists ... getting a job as a songwriter ... and selling your songs & lyrics is much easier in the internet age than it was just 15 years ago. Today, talented songwriters and lyric-writers can get their start in the music-industry by selling their first song or lyric, and earn royalties for years to come from just one hit song. More and more songs are released every day, creating the continuous demand for more new original songs and lyrics, which has open the door for more songwriters to be able to get your songs and lyrics to recording artists.

In fact, more and more recording artists are releasing songs at a record pace, and Selling Your Songs and Lyrics has probably never been easier than it is today, providing new songwriters with a great way to get started in the music industry ... and to earn royalties.

Music Manager Allie Brooks, of The Brooks Agency, tells us: "Many top artists don't write songs. So we need to find new, original songs & lyrics that artists can record. But finding good original songs is not easy. That's why even beginner songwriters are sending their songs and lyrics to recording artists.The truly talented song-and-lyric writers, even those just starting out, are successful because good, new, original songs are ALWAYS in demand, especially today!"

Scott Sanderson, of MJM Records, tells us: "When you sell your songs & lyrics, narrow down the type of artist that's best suited to record the song. If you say "any artist will be good", then no-one really knows who's right for the song. But if you say "this song is best for an R&B artist with a soulful voice", then that's the type of artist who'll contact you".

Producer Al Morris tells us: "Songwriters asks me: What price should I sell my song for? Of course, it's hard to say when I haven't heard the song. But it depends on who buys the song, a big record company or a new artist. Standard royalty splits provide a fair share of royalties for the songwriter and the artist, and if the song's a hit, there'll be plenty for everyone".